

 Bartender's Checklist




Now that you have registered with us, it's time for us to introduce you to the steps you are to take, what we expect, and what you should expect upon the arrival to a function. Hopefully you haven't got lost getting to the location, you have your Time Sheet with you and you have arrived at the location on-time with your uniform and hand tools. Now what? The following is intended to be informative and in some cases educational. We provide pictures and as much detail wherever possible; however, there may be slight variations from function to function, caterer to caterer or event to event. That's part of the fun of working functions, meeting new people, finding new places, learning new things, setting up bars in creative ways. Each new event is a mini-adventure, a mini-challenge and can be fun. We expect you to take your work seriously, listen to customers and manager's needs intently, but there's no need to be stiff, as customers like to see happy people doing a professional job.




Put one of each type bottle into the display box so the guests can see the selections available to them. If no display box is available, then display your bottles in such a manner as the customer can see the choices. Further, in the case of a full liquor bar, the hard liquor is typically located at the front of the back bar, placed in a manner so that the labels are visible to the customers. See the picture below:





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