- Are you looking for a new way to impress your clients/guests?
- Have you considered outside help?
- ...Outside help with an attitude that says...IMPRESS, IMPRESS,
- It's A.P.D.'s responsibility to make a positive, permanent
impression on everyone attending your event.
- A.P.D. offers you our staff of impressive, professional, T.I.P.S.
certified bartenders and servers to tend your functions.
- We offer among the best rates around...on hourly staff and
alcohol liability insurance (If needed).
- Give us a call...we are great listeners! We will cater to
your needs even if not specified here.
For detailed information and rates: |
Steve or Ed
T: 617-244-1000
Nextel Cell: 617-828-2313
Nextel Cell: 617-799-3194
F: 617-928-1787 (MA) |